

The roadmap is about overall documentation improvements, but keeping the base small, so it's easy to maintain and we don't loose the purpose of this site: be lightweight.

New sections to come:

  • Basic Drupal concepts for developers: list most used concepts and documentation about how to create a minimal module and a theme
  • Drupal prerequisites for developers: add documentation for resources to learn PHP, Symfony, Twig, Composer, Git, ...
  • Drupal project management and budget
  • Deploy in production and environment best practices (robots.txt / headers, indexing, staging, CDN, CI/CD, ...)
  • Short list of showcases for commerce, decoupling, multilingual, ... so it's easy to find a good example for a first comparison with other solutions

Updates are posted on Twitter (opens in a new tab) and Mastodon (opens in a new tab)