Drupal Hosting for Evaluation and Production

Hosting for evaluation and production

Small to medium projects

If VPS and Ansible is your thing, it might be the perfect fit. Here are some general purpose hosting companies, not specialized in Drupal, but with a good price/value ratio and very good documentation, support and processes.

A note about Ansible

By the way, if you plan to use Ansible, make sure to have a look at this fantastic book from Jeff Geerling Ansible for DevOps (opens in a new tab). Examples (opens in a new tab) and the manuscript (opens in a new tab) are open source and available on GitHub. It saved me a lot of time not reinventing the wheel, if you like Jeff's work, consider buying the book or become a sponsor.

Medium to large projects

Comes with pre-configured dev, stage, prod or feature based environments, CI/CD integration, ... These companies are specialized in Drupal hosting.